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Check you progress 5 (answer key) October 24, 2008

Posted by teacherdaniel in Upper2.
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1) 1. have you taken, I’ve finished 2. Have you been going, I’ve only had it 3. I’ve been looking for, I haven’t found 4. have you been doing, I’ve been working, I’ve planted

2) The right answer is: 1. everything 2. each 3. every 4. both are possible 5. all

3) 1. no, anything 2. anywhere 3. none 4. any 5. none

4) 1. The friend I’m staying woth is very nice. 2. Mark failed his driving test, which was a pity. 3. The hotel we’re staying in is very noisy. 4. I can’t hear what she’s saying. 5. What I hate about the sales is that there are so many people.


5) 1. bee 2. whale 3. kitten 4. cage 5. hunt 6. environment 7. wing 8. zebra crossing

6) 1. unfortunately 2. memorize 3. improvement 4. terrified 5. communication 6. useless 7. adorable

7) 1. clairvoyant 2. future 3. horoscope 4. spooky 5. coincidence

8 ) 1. blind 2. match 3. fit 4. lie 5. count


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